Thursday, December 29, 2011

A new dawn, a new day!

Well, 2011 is coming to a close and I've managed to gain 20 pounds.  Awesome. 

So back to the grind again. 
The plan is to eat smaller meals, more frequently, paying attention to portion and trying to not eat a shit ton of sugar.  You know, a Cutie orange instead of fudge.
Water instead of soda and tea instead of coffee. 

I'm hoping to gain the ability to eventually have the treats like a soda on occasion and a piece of candy without it turning into a binge situation. 

Then there's the exercise.  I really don't like to exercise, but I know it's a must. 
I have a good set of tools to use at home, I just have to push play. 

The boys and I are also going to start running.  Starting from 0 with the Couch to 5K program and working ourselves up to running a few 5k's this year as time and money permit. 
The goal is to instill some lifelong fitness for them, while gaining health for all of us.  5k's are our goal for the year.  Come November we may see if we are up for the Apple Hill 3.5 miler, but that would be our max.  This will be fun to build our stamina for sports and find new routes to keep us from getting bored. 

So there, I laid it out there.  I spent all but about a year of my 20's fat and unhappy with myself.  I'm hoping to turn that around in my 30's. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

This weeks started out okay with going to the gym and such, but the last couple of days have been a bit slow there. 

Cody's Birthday weekend is on me now, so we'll see how that goes. 

All is well, and I'm down a bit for the week, so YAY! 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Working it out...

For the past 5 days I've hit the gym.
Running & Pilates, Zumba, Basketball, Zumba and Step. 

It wasn't easy, not a great time, hard and painful but the time was put in. 

Eating has been a little on the blah side.  Needing to commit to myself.  Find the change and stick with it.  I didn't plan much out this week and I know that is a key for me.  So that's the plan for next week. 

The weekend is busy with activities, but hopefully I won't dive too far off the deep end and can work in some workouts! 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A New Day...

So, back to the beginning again.  In another attempt at getting healthy, it's time get back at it.  In June we will be going on a nine day camping trip, lots of fun and outdoor activities.  If I had to leave tomorrow, it would kick my butt. so the main goal is fitness.
Another goal for the trip is to be able to fit into the harness for a zip line tour in Big Bear, currently I'm a few inches too big.

I have also signed up for Weight Watchers online in hopes of finding a healthy way to eat.  Desperately hoping to find that life change and not a diet.  For weight lose I'm taking it 5% at a time.

This year I' turning 30 and it's time to take control.
My goal between May 12, 2011 & May 12, 2012 is to run 30 races for my 30th year.  It will be mostly 5k races but maybe a couple 10ks and a mud run if another pops up.

Another reason for needing to get in shape revolves around soccer.  That would be the assistant coaching of both the boys' teams.  This alone is a mandatory boost for fitness.

So, plans include working hard on my food intake and sticking to my points.
Exercise will become my outlet, friend and obsession.  Classes and multiple trips to the gym for the elliptical and rowing machines will become the norm.  I'm going to figure out how to love running on a treadmill.  Hitting the road and trails will also be added back into routine so that eventually 3 miles is no big thing and 12 minute miles will be my pace.

Now lets just hope my body decides to join in with all this fun