Sunday, September 12, 2010

and with that, I'm out.

I set out for a 10 mile run this morning, mapped it from the house to the trail and back.

I've rested most of this past week, with my long run on Mon and a swim on Tues, that was it, so no pounding or stressing.

Within the first mile the pain in my foot started to scream, so I found a street and turned around and ran about our neighborhood for around 3.5 miles. By the time I was home, my knee started to ache and my hip was starting to give way. So, I'm out.

Too much, too soon, on a frame with too much to carry around.

So the new plan consists of swimming and running 2-4 miles three times a week and Zumba 2-3 times a week with some strength training before. If I can get myself off the couch in the evenings, I have a bunch of yoga routines I can do at home while watching my favorite shows.

The fourth round of Biggest Loser started Fri on my Mom's board, so I'm back there with a bunch of women cracking the whip and throwing out support and help.

In a nutshell I'm going back to trying to lose weight and not worrying about the training. I'll give a couple of weeks and probably start getting ready for the Turkey Day 10K, and find some 5 or 10K's to get me through until summer. I know I can finish those and I can work towards getting a little faster without the stress of a 10 mile run hanging over my head.

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