Friday, April 27, 2012

At the end of week 3 I'm down another 3 pounds. 

I'm happy with that because although I did stick with the smoothie plan, we only went on one short bike ride this week. 

This weekend I will be at soccer coach training all day on Saturday, so that will be some activity and then we will work out a plan for more biking next week.  Shooting to do some biking Mon & Friday, and the playing Wed by ear depending on what we have planned with our homeschooling group.  Tue and Thurs are busy with gym and swim, so I hate to tax my littlest one out too much with a long bike, but we'll see. 

The weekend food plan is burritos tomorrow night and spaghetti squash on Sunday.  With any luck, I'll stick with it and be back to Monday. 

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