Friday, October 1, 2010

Weight: 189.6 

I'm only down about 1/2 a pound this week, but damn it, there's an 8 instead of a 9 in that middle spot! 

My food wasn't the best this week. Acutally it wasn't the food so much as the Dew.  It is laced with crack, or meth, because I just can't quit it!  Hoping to ease up a bit this week, or at least stop at 8 oz instead of 20.  

Exercise was good, working out all five days, lots of Zumba, swimming and some time in the weight room. 
Have I mentioned lately how much I love Zumba?  Currently I am going to two instructors, getting to know their routines and picking up the new ones pretty easily.  My favorite instructor stopped me last night on my way out of class and said she enjoyed having me in the class and watching my get into it.  If that doesn't make you feel good, I don't know what could!  
Tomorrow I will rest as my body is screaming at me for a break, but Sun it's back to the grind to try out a new Zumba instructor at the OV club. 

Sunday is also the Urban Cow 1/2 marathon.  I thought I could just ignore it's evening happening by deleting it from all my calendars and such, but now, emails got me. 
I'm bummed.  Feeling like I quit, bummed my body isn't up to par for that.  I need to get another run scheduled before Thanksgiving so I know I can still do it.  I guess this also means I should lace up my shoes and get back out there...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Zumba yesterday

Today ran 1.94 miles in 27:49 averaging at 14:20 per mile.

No pain today except for some tight muscles.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Weight: 191.6

No running but a lot of other stuff!

Swam two mornings for 30 min, went to 3 Zumba classes and 2 days of strength training on the machines at the gym.

Need to look at the gym schedule for Sunday and find a Zumba to go to and get in some more strength training.

Thinking I'll start running again on Wed...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

and with that, I'm out.

I set out for a 10 mile run this morning, mapped it from the house to the trail and back.

I've rested most of this past week, with my long run on Mon and a swim on Tues, that was it, so no pounding or stressing.

Within the first mile the pain in my foot started to scream, so I found a street and turned around and ran about our neighborhood for around 3.5 miles. By the time I was home, my knee started to ache and my hip was starting to give way. So, I'm out.

Too much, too soon, on a frame with too much to carry around.

So the new plan consists of swimming and running 2-4 miles three times a week and Zumba 2-3 times a week with some strength training before. If I can get myself off the couch in the evenings, I have a bunch of yoga routines I can do at home while watching my favorite shows.

The fourth round of Biggest Loser started Fri on my Mom's board, so I'm back there with a bunch of women cracking the whip and throwing out support and help.

In a nutshell I'm going back to trying to lose weight and not worrying about the training. I'll give a couple of weeks and probably start getting ready for the Turkey Day 10K, and find some 5 or 10K's to get me through until summer. I know I can finish those and I can work towards getting a little faster without the stress of a 10 mile run hanging over my head.

Monday, September 6, 2010

weight: 192.6

Umm, ouch...

9.7 miles in 2:30:??? averaging out to be depressing....

So the first 2/3 of my run weren't going to bad, just under half way in I could check mileage to time and it was looking like a good pace. The last 1/3 went to crap.

If I were 40 lbs lighter, I probably wouldn't be having such issues, but I'm thinking it's too much too soon.

No final decisions yet, partially to see if I can walk tomorrow, but I may be looking at gifting my entry to some other, better trained person.

Now don't worry, I'm not going to stop running all together. But thinking I'll jump back to the 5K and 10K crowd for a long while. Getting to a pace that I'm happy with, then maybe, big maybe, I'll shoot for it again.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

8 miles on the bike trail (8.1) in 2:05:17 averaging at 15:30.

Ran a different section, that was much friendlier. It's really just a long extension of where the boys and I go, but starting from the other end.
Hoping I can walk later!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

3 mile loop on bike trail (2.98) in 45:48 averaging at 15:24. Not thrilled, but had tight legs, so wasn't expecting a blazing time. Blah

Sunday, August 15, 2010

weight 192.6

Long 7 mile run on the bike trail in 1:47:46 averaging at 15:22.

For the big hills at then end that sucked me dry, I'm okay with the average time. Hoping to get down to closer to 14:30 average for race day.

1/2 way to the 1/2!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back to training after vacation!

Weight 195.0 (not bad considering aforementioned trips)

Ran 4 miles (4.03) on bike trail with the boys in 1:01:19 averaging at 15:10 per mile. Close to where I was.

First kettle bell work out from Tren. Umm, ouch, but in a good way.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

weight 195.0

2 mile run (2.01) in 28:42 averaging at 14:18.

Up with the birds; nice & quiet run.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Weight: up, that's all I'm gonna say about that...

Ran 2.5 miles (2.55 actual) around the neighborhood in 36:33 averaging at 14:23 per mile.

Still felt heavy today, maybe it's the hilly neighborhood???

So week one of my new routine is done and I'm overly excited that I'm not really work out this weekend. We will be camping and there should be more trail to explore, so that will be the easy exercise.

This week consisted of 3 Zumba classes, 2 GST, 1 Pilates and 2 runs. This morning, my body is screaming to stop. So I'm hoping next week is better.

My worry comes with the 3 weeks away from home and normal. Currently searching over the gym schedules in Boise, but haven't been able to come up with much of a good set yet. I do have my runs pretty well laid out, so that will be my constant. I really want to go try a couple of Zumba classes by Hilla and try to get some strength training in as well. Oh yeah, and visit friends and family while exploring Boise. I'm exhausted just thinking about it all.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

1st day of 1/2 marathon training!

Weight: 196 (bad Panda...)

2 mile run (1.98) in 28:09 averaging at 14:10. Awesome way to start!

Legs were very heavy today and started to get a little crampy towards the end. Thinking this has to do with the 2 Zumba classes, pilates and GST w/crazy Trina over the past couple of days. It will get better!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Firecracker 10k

10k ran in 1:32:55 putting the average down to 14:57 per mile.

Felt great, and started a bit slow. Not a lot of people, which was good and bad. Getting faster is a good thing.

Next week marks the official start of 1/2 Marathon training, starting back at 2 miles to start building up some speed with the higher mileage.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

3 miles around the neighborhood this morning, 45:24 averaging at 15 flat.

Tomorrow I rest and Sat is the 10K. Should be good, cooling down this weekend, fingers crossed!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Weight: 195.2

Ran 4 miles in the neighborhood this morning while the boys are at day camp. It was really hot and sweaty!

1:01:10 averaging at 15:10 per mile.

Would love if I could have this as my pace on Saturday!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ran 6.2 miles (10K distance) in 1:36:13 averaging out at 15:26.

My phone GSP worked today, doesn't always like to sinc up, and it was dead on. Very cool function when it decides to go.

Couple of week until the actual 10K, thinking I'm ready!

Next weekend we'll be camping, but I've mapped out my 7 miles and hopefully can get it in on Sunday morning.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sunday: ran 5 miles at a decent pace. Felt good.

Today: weight 197, finaly hitting the 20lb mark.
3.5 miles on the bike trail with the boys, 55:05 averaging at 15:35.

Bit too much excitement when we can across a rattle snake on the other side of the trail. Everyon ignored and he was gone when we came back through. Phew!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Weight 199.4

Ran 4 miles in 1:04:21 for an averages of 16:00 per mile.

Nice run today on the bike trail, Ty kept pace and didn't phase him to add that extra mile in. This is the highest the weekly mileage gets, so it's nice to know he can keep up.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ran 3 miles today with Ty on the bike trail. It felt good, ran at a decent pace, trying to pick it up a bit.

I thought when I hit stop on my phone it said 47 something, but now that I'm looking back at my log it says 42:42. If that's true I was smokin' it around 14:20 per mile. Not sure I was actually going that fast, so I'm not sure what to believe.

Will have to take my watch along with me next time.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Woman's 5K

47.13 averaging at 15.11 Awesome!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Weight: 199.6

Lots of gym time this week with 4 Zumba classes, 2 strength training classes and a swim lap session. Ran once on Tues, but didn't get my Thurs in because of Cody's field trip.

Ready to go for Sunday's 5K!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Weight: 198.8

Ran 4.02 miles in 1: 03:22 averaging at 15:43 per mile.

Felt good today, the 2nd mile was slow, but the rest were great.

One week until Woman's 5K, feeling very ready!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Weight: 199.6 (Phew!)

Ran home from dropping off Cody, 1.15 miles in 17:09 min, averaging at 14:54!

Tried running a bit differently and faster, felt good and had results!

This week was busy with 2 Zumba classes, 2 GST ( group strength training) classes and a bike ride to add to the weekly runs.

Hoping to do another GST in the morning to make up for the one I'm missing today and maybe a short bike ride with the boys if the new tag-along bike works out.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ran 3 miles in 48.12 averaging at 16:10 per mile.

Good run on the bike trail this morning. I think I'm getting close to adding in some sprints to my short runs. See if this can help get my long runs a little quicker.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

ran 4 miles in 1 hour 5:49 min averaging at 16:18 per mile.
Not bad, 1st mile was slow due to very long up hill on Pecan, stupid hills.

Just for fun, here's the route...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Weight: 199.6 (Finally!)

Ran 1.28 miles home from dropping Cody off in 19:53 averaging at 15:30!

Had a lot of other activity this week, 2 days of strength training, 2 days of 30 min biking at the gym and a Zumba class on Thursday.

Today we are going to go test bikes, so about 90 min of riding.

Hoping to not fluctuate too bad and keep the 200's away.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

3.5 miles on the bike trail with the boys on their bikes.

Went well, boys did great and I pushed passed the mental blocks of wanting to quit.

No time, forgot my watch.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Today ran 3.5 mile in 56:14 averaging out at 16:00 per mile.

Kinda ran on Thurs, lame treadmill run to stay loose. I hate the treadmill.

Not feeling good about running this week, hoping to get better next week.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

weight: 202.4 (damn you fluctuation, and Panda)

Ran 3 miles in 49:27 averaging out at 16:23.

Not a great run today. Right foot bothering me, tingling worse today. Hoping to get into Fleet Feet to see if they have any ideas to try and resolve the issue.
No more Panda before a run day, makes for a rough tummy. Blah.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Weight: 200.8

Didn't have the most formal of running this week, but 3 days down.

Tues 2.5 miles averaging around at 16:30 pace

Fri ran home from dropping off Cody, made a loop around. Actually had a good run with Ty on his scooter, kinda an oxymoron.

Today ran 3 miles in 47:56 min averaging at 15:54 per mile.
Felt good today, pushed a little harder on the warm up and stretched more before starting, made a huge difference. Didn't walk at all today!

Feet are still a little bothersum. Changed to thinner socks I had, and seamed a bit better, but by the end of today's run they were tingly. I think my shoes are slipping a bit, going to see if I can find some longer laces so I can lace them up one more run and snug the tops a bit better.

3 more weekend long runs until the next race. Feeling more ready than last time!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weight: 202

Ran 2.52 miles in 40:48, averaging at 16:11

Feet are bothering me. Toes going numb and my right foot hurts on the bottom again. Hoping try my thinner socks to see if this helps.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ran 1.5 miles in 23:48 for an average of 15:48.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weight 202.6

Ran 2 miles in 32:50, averaging out at 16:25.

Good run for it being so rainy and breezy. Had to walk 4 times, short little confidence boosting stretchy type walks.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

With the carnival/auction craziness over I finally got out on the streets for a run today!

1.95 miles in 30:51 min, averaging 15:48 miles. Woo Hoo!
(Stopped at the wrong point, so cut myself short by .05)

This week I should get my runs in, but the rest will be iffy.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

weight 204.8

I have ran twice this week, but not as I would like. 20 min Wed & 30 min today on the treadmill.

I'll run on Sunday morning as well, but with carnival, it's not happening on Sat.

My food has been on track, started using and I think it's helped. More fruits and veggies, no candy or soda.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Ran 2 miles today in the new shoes. My legs feel better for it, but my feet are tingly, so hoping a little more breaking in will help the situation.

Had watch issues, not paying attention and hitting the wrong buttons. Had to stop a couple of times to adjust shoes, so I stopped the watch, but thinking I didn't restart it right. So my watch says I did 2 miles in 28:20 which is an awesome 14 min mile. Umm, yeah right!
I looked at my watch when I stopped the last time to adjust and it was at 16:20ish, putting me at a 15:54 mile, which I can believe, as I was trying to step it up a bit. So if I double the 16:20, I think my actual time was closer to 32:40, so a 16:11 average. I'm hoping this is close to real.

Stupid watch...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hello wall, it's been a few weeks since I've seen you, but it's you've overstayed your welcome.

Today's weight is 207.8. Are you effn' kidding me?

I'm crossing my fingers that it's just PMS and I'm not sliding that far back.

Runs haven't been priority this week, but hope to catch the wave this weekend.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Zoo Zoom was today. When I looked at the finish clock it said 54 something, so maybe my time was around 53ish, will have to check the website later in the week.

It was ugly, no bones about it. Didn't warm up correctly and paid for it until about 1 1/2 miles in. Then the shins hurt, calf locked, hip ached and foot fell asleep. Come ON!

Now I feel like I've got shin splints and it sucks.

New shoes and a new training program are in order.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Weight 204.2

Ran 3.12 miles in 51:38 min, averaging out to be 16:36 per mile.

Week until race:
Tues 3 miles
Thur 2 miles
Sun 5K

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weight 205

Ran 3.12 miles in 51:56 minutes for an average of 16:41.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ran with the boys, ugh. But it was good!

2.06 miles in the neighborhood, 33:37 min, 16:18 average pace

Need to time my warm up so I can be ready for the race in two weeks!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weight: 205.4

So this last week hasn't been stellar on the running, just too damn busy to get it all in. I did run some, but they weren't great and felt a bit labored.

Today I set out to lay down the 3 miles I was supposed to do, per my training schedule. I did a bit longer walking warm up that seamed to help and took off. The first mile was okay, it was done and that was about that. Between mile 1 & 2 I came to the revalation that I've been running too slow. Remembering back to the Chi Running book that talked about cadence, the actual beats that your feet hit the ground. They say that no matter the tarain, your cadence should stay the same. You should adjust your stride length for hills and flats. So that's what I focused on, I picked up my cadence and adjusted my length up and down the hills. It worked! My legs felt better and less strained and my time improved drastically.

Today run was a total of 3.12 miles, done in 52 min, making my average 16:41 per mile.


Today told me that I'm good to run this 5k in a couple of weeks. Now that I know my secret, I can apply and get the miles down.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weight 206.2

Friday brought a walk to school, 20 min of active and 40 min of Just Dance

Today was a run day, 20 min straight, 1 min walk then 9 min to finish. Not sure of the distance as this was done at the park and my planned route was partially blocked.

Next week brings miles 2, 2.5, 2 & 3. Off we go!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Weight 206.6

Ran today for 35 min, 8 min then walking 1 min intervals.
Almost 2 miles with a avg pace of 18.11
Then I walked out of the house in the wrong shoes, had on my trainers instead of my runners. Didn't think it would be a huge difference once I noticed, but it was. ARGH!
It didn't help that the neighborhood is so freakin' hilly, made for a bad start to the run and my legs never seamed to warm up all the way. I swear it felt like I had 10lbs weights on both my ankles.

So blah, hoping Sat's run is better.

Also walked Cody to school and did 20 min Active routine. One more week on medium level then starting the 30 day challenge at hard, which actually takes me 5 weeks to finish the way I schedule it in.

Biggest Loser 2 is starting on the 26th on my mommy board, so I need to find the $20 to anti up for that, it's been a good motivator, hopefully I can stick to the plan better the second time around.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weight: 205.8

Ran 35 min: 1/2 way to school, then finished off the almost 2 mile loop with Tyler.
Active for 20 min

Field trip today, so the running had to get done this morning, first thing. Hoping to see where I am on Thursday with another 35 min run before this weekends 20 min straight running, then 10 min more after a 1 min walk.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Weight: 207 (freakin' weekend hits me every time!)

Today I ran part of the way to school and all the way home.
24 min of Active on the Wii.

So far so good, with the exception of the Jelly Belly's, stupid Easter candies are everywhere.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 13th

Weight: 206.8

Today I ran for 35 min per my training schedule, this computed out to be 1.99 miles, average pace being 17.36.

Improving every run!

Food will be on track today, I just can't let myself gain a ton over the weekend.


This is my journal as I go through my running journey. Learning to run, getting faster, and going the distance. As I go through this process my secondary goal is to lose this weight that's wearing me down.

So follow along and help me enjoy the ride!

This years running goals:
April 11th: Sac. Zoo Zoom 5K
June 6th: Nike Women's Festival 5K
July 3rd: Folsom or Sacramento Firecracker 10K
September 12th: Sacramento Buffalo Stampede 10 miler
October 3rd: Sacramento "Cow Town"(name is changing) 1/2 marathon
November 7th: Apple Hill Harvest Run~not sure what distance yet 3.5 or 8.5 mile
November 25th: Run to Feed the Hungry 10K
January 2011: ALS Association- Roseville 10K

As I've said before, it's doable. It's not going to be quick, but it can be done.